The Art of Caring for Kids
Over 60 years ago, the Junior League of Raleigh had a vision for creating a place for medically fragile children with severe developmental disabilities to get the care they need in an intimate, homelike setting. With the generous support of the Civitan Club, the Kiwanis Club, and many concerned citizens, the doors to Hilltop Home officially opened in 1960.
Hilltop’s mission is to serve and enrich the lives of children who have severe/profound developmental disabilities and are medically fragile. We are dedicated to the philosophy that every child has the right to live in a loving home free from abuse, neglect, and exploitation. Each child is treated with respect and has the opportunity for education, play and interaction with the community. Hilltop Home is dedicated to providing quality, comprehensive, individualized services to its residents. Consistent with the beliefs and principles upon which Hilltop Home was founded, these services are provided in an atmosphere that fosters a warm, close relationship with children and their families.